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Watching high school students struggle with Pre-calculus, specifically understanding linear graphs.


What it does:

Asks user to plot points for a graph, with the equation given. Uses the leap motion capabilities to allow the data to be plotted.


How we built it:

Using Unity and the LeapMotion SDK


Challenges we ran into:

  • Plotting good looking graphs from string text on Unity.

  • Creating gestures in Leap Motion

  • How to drag points using gestures on the LeapMotion


Accomplishments that we're proud of:

  • Being able to drag points from one place to another using hand motions

  • Being able to use Leapmotion fully integrated in the game.


What we learned:

How to implement LeapMotion into Unity New methods/functions associated with the LeapMotion


What's next for GraphMotion:

Adding more feedback based off of how many questions were answered correctly or incorrectly. Adding more game modes, like drawing the user drawing the whole graph Finish polishing the game.


Check it out here!

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